Wandering prevention
Wandering, also known as elopement, describes an individual’s behavior of leaving an area without permission or supervision. Elopement puts an individual, especially one with autism or related developmental disabilities, at risk for harm.
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Deambular, también conocido como fuga, describe el comportamiento de un individuo de abandonar un área sin permiso o supervisión. La fuga pone a una persona, especialmente a una con autismo o discapacidades del desarrollo relacionadas, en riesgo de sufrir daños.
Parent/Child Regulation & Behavior Support
Parent to Parent will be hosting a special time for Cindy Myers from Children’s Village Behavior Assessment Team to join us and give a presentation on Parent/Child Regulation & Behavior Support.
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Down syndrome Group
Sharing and social group for parents raising (or expecting) children with Down syndrome.
Autism Parent Group
For parents/caregivers raising children with Autism; or who experience social, emotional, communication, and/or behavioral concerns. (Diagnosis not required to attend).