Your Visit


For medical, dental and family support services, please check in at the covered wagon/front desk on the main level. Child care, or the Supervised Playroom, is also located on the main level. For Pediatric therapy services (PT, OT, ST), behavioral health and the Nurse Family Partnership Program, please check in at the train/front desk on the lower level. Be prepared to provide your child’s medical coverage/insurance information and your picture ID. We may ask you to fill out other forms at this time.

Child care

If you are bringing additional children with you to the appointment, you are welcome to have them cared for in the Supervised Playroom. This is a free service for our families. Reservations are not necessary.

Your child’s appointment

Our staff and providers will get to know your child by interacting directly with them and asking you questions about strengths and concerns. During this time your provider will discuss your concerns and give information about your child’s development. A written report will be mailed to your home. Appointments usually last a half hour to 1 1/2 hours.

For children age 0–36 months/0–3 years

If appropriate, we will begin to develop an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) to establish developmental goals to meet the needs of your child.

We look forward to meeting you and your child!

Have any questions? Call 509-574-3200.

To assist in the continuing work of Children's Village, The Memorial Foundation accepts online gifts that can be used where funds are most needed.

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